加拿大基督使者協會由始自戴德生牧師的中國內地會已故宣教士徐松齡牧師(Rev. Stephen Knights)於1972年創立;在過去三十多年一直與加拿大的華人學生與教會同行。使者著意進入年青人的文化和生活模式當中,在那裡服侍他們,使他們在生活中與基督相遇。我們在溫哥華三方面的學生事工也是如此。
首先,我們的旗艦「Jubilization雀躍體驗」門訓敬拜聚會就是一例。我們使用年青人熟悉的多媒體和經驗式敬拜程序,將紮實和生活化的聖經教導帶給年青人和學生。我們針對學生生活中最火熱的問題,透過音樂、話劇、講道和其他藝術媒介,挑戰年青人和學生從聖經的角度反省和生活,活出福音。從「Jubilization雀躍體驗」引伸出來的「I.D.Zone整全門徒訓練講座」、「The Jubilant」敬拜讚美隊、「JJ959.com」網上事工和「好讀GoodRead」屬靈閱讀計劃,更深地將整全的教導緊扣在新一代年青人的生命中。
其次,我們廣受歡迎的「霹啪959」電台廣播節目和網上播客(podcast)也是我們整全門訓事工的表表者。在輕鬆和幽默的氣氛裡,每星期日晚11時至12時,我們都在AM1320電台為聽眾演譯和示範一個整全門徒各個層面的生活。「霹啪959」除了是本地其中一個最受歡迎的電台清談節目外,也是在Apple iTunes上其中一個全世界最受歡迎的粵語播客,每週吸引來自世界各地華僑、包括中國內地的下載超過20,000次。
- 留意使者的消息,並恆切為我們代禱
- 在教會索閱我們的「新一代」季刊, 並在讀完後轉贈給一位親友
- 以奉獻支持我們的事工;或參與「一代夢想」計劃,以自動轉帳或信用咭每月定額奉獻(由每月$25起)
- 收聽「霹啪959」電台廣播節目(AM1320逢星期日晚11pm)或網上播客(www.pp959.com),並將之推介給親朋戚友
- 鼓勵貴教會的青年團契參與「Jubilization雀躍體驗」門訓敬拜聚會
- 邀請使者同工到貴教會或團契領會或分享
This is the percentage of Christian students who had,
and continue to have, a stable church life upon graduation.
This number may come as a surprise to some people, but maybe you have already noticed this trend. We do too. The number of young people in churches is in constant decline over the last 10 years, and in recent years some churches even had to shut down their youth fellowship.
How could this happen? It is not that there are no young people coming to Christ, but that their faith are shallow and disintegrated. As soon as they migrate from the protected campus to the real world and are exposed to real life challenges, their compartmentalized faith will not be sufficient in carrying them through. Faith becomes irrelevant, and they leave their church.
AFC has been working with Chinese students and youths in Canada for 36 years. Through innovative programs and personal mentoring, we help students and youth integrate the Christian faith with their everyday life, so that not only will they lead a successful, meaningful and vibrant life, but also become life-long disciples of Jesus Christ. By building up communities of committed young Christians, we hope to infuse our culture with the transforming messages of the Gospel.
AFC meets students where they are. Our flagship "Jubilization" worship-discipleship program uses a multi-media and experiential approach to present solid and relevant biblical teaching to students and youth with great impact. We pinpoint to the burning life issues our students experience everyday, and through music, drama, preaching and other artistic means challenging them to reflect and live biblically and theologically. Our Integrated Discipleship Seminars, JJ959.com online ministry and GoodRead reading program all help extend the impact of Jubilization into the lives of a generation of young people.
Our popular PP959 radio show and podcast is another example of our integrated discipleship ministry. In a relaxing and humourous atmosphere, every Sunday night at 11pm at AM1320 we demonstrate to our audience the many facets of the life of an integrated disciple. PP959 has always been one of the most popular local Chinese radio programs, as well as one of the most popular Cantonese podcasts listed on Apple's iTunes Store worldwide.
AFC has also invested in campus mission by training and mentoring student leaders of Chinese Christian Fellowships on different university campuses. Many pastors and church leaders today can recall their life-changing and defining experiences serving in campus fellowships led by AFC.
In addition, AFC also established in 2000 "AFC Student Centre", the first local non-profit organization serving specifically the needs of new immigrant students. Through academic advising seminar and consultation, academic assistance, volunteer program and leadership training etc., AFC Student Centre assists students and their families to overcome hurdles in their academic pursuits, as well as empowers them for leading a meaningful and purposeful life. Working closely with many immigrant services agencies, every year AFC Student Centre serves over 7000 count of people, and the majority of them are from mainland China. AFC Student Centre is thus a strategic contact point for local mainland Chinese mission. Many immigrant students have encountered the Gospel through the ministry of AFC Student Centre.
AFC is committed in partnering with local churches to support their youth ministry needs. While student and youth ministry requires specialized knowledge and relies heavily on the abundance of resources, many local churches do not have these available. AFC can provide to local churches their much needed support in developing youth ministry with our 36 years of experience through specialized programmings, trainings and consultations. We can think of local churches as family doctors, tending to everyone's need; and AFC as a specialist in student ministry, working together with the family doctors to ensure the spiritual health and growth of the body of Christ.
Young Christians today will become leaders of the church tomorrow. The Church cannot afford to lose any generation of young people. Only with young Christians who are committed to follow Christ in all areas of their life can the church function as the salt and light of the world with a sustainable future. Our vision is that generations of Chinese students in Canada will become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ, serving the church and the world and bring glory to our Lord. This vision has not changed in the last 36 years, and we will continue to commit our lives to it.
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